The Team
The Make-A-Wish NZ National Office is located in Newmarket, Auckland, and comprises a small, dedicated team with two distinct functions - Fundraising and Wish Delivery.
Alan Brame
Sarah Henderson
Chief Financial Officer
Parminder Morgan
Head of Fundraising
Raema Inglis
Grant Administrator
Laurie Rands
Wish Support Manager
Kelly Chen
Finance and Administration Assistant
Lisa Pillai
Data Analyst and Wish Producer
Sarah Collins
Donor Care and Experience Specialist
Anastasia Tapusoa
Wish Fairy
Anna Buchanan
Wish Producer
Dominic Boekweit
Individual Giving Manager
Jade Fernandes
Communications Manager
Benifer Irani
Assistant Accountant
Board Members
Struan Abernathy
Appointed Jan 2019
Gwen Green
Appointed May 2020
Jackson Rowland
Appointed May 2020
Michelle Stephens
Appointed Sep 2023
Myles Ward
Appointed Oct 2023
Michelle Bentham
Appointed Jan 2024
Sean Ryan
Appointed May 2024
Kylie Williams
Appointed June 2024