Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Our Vision to grant the wish of every eligible child.

How it all Began

In early 1986, inspired by what they had heard of Make-A-Wish in the USA, a small group met in Auckland to discuss forming a New Zealand team

They had been inspired by a speech, from Jack Stanford, the National President of Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America. He delivered a passionate tale about the magic and joy experienced by children whose wishes had come true. He also spoke of the warmth and laughter, experienced by those involved in granting wishes. From this first meeting in Auckland came the inspiration and determination to pursue the mission of granting wishes to sick children here in New Zealand. Later that year, Make-A-Wish NZ officially opened in Auckland, and news spread rapidly. Soon, volunteers were found from all around New Zealand from all walks of life to assist the children in their own local communities.

Our First Wish

In 1986 New Zealand’s first wish was granted to a 4-year-old boy named Daniel who had leukemia. Daniel’s wish was to have Christmas in October, for his wish Santa and his elves arrived on a fire engine which was full of gifts and Daniel even had the chance to ride in the fire engine.

The magic of fulfilling Daniel’s wish created memories of an unforgettable day for his family. The volunteers and all those involved in creating the wish were touched by their experience – Make-A-Wish New Zealand was underway! Since then, approximately 2500 wishes have been granted all across the country. Every wish is unique to the child – our volunteer “Wish Granters” meet them in their homes, or hospital, to chat and find out what that one true wish will be.

The First Wish

Make-A-Wish started in Arizona USA in 1980 after Christopher James Greicius’s wish was granted. All his life, Christopher dreamed of becoming a state trooper – and this wish was to become the inspiration for the largest wish-granting organization in the world.

Christopher was aged 7 and battling leukemia. After hearing about his wish, members of the Arizona State Troopers worked to make this come true. They arranged for Christopher to take a flight in a police helicopter, ride in a patrol car, and presented him with his very own uniform. He was even sworn in as an honorary member of the force.
Sadly, Christopher passed away shortly afterward – he was given a full guard of honor at his funeral and the seed of an idea was formed.

Our People

Our Teams

Behind every child's wish is a team of dedicated specialists, committed to working making the impossible possible.

Our Board

Our board provide invaluable expertise and leadership.

Our Volunteers

Our amazing and passionate volunteer network give their time, energy and skills to make wishes come true all over NZ.

Our Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors help raise awareness and increase our impact.

Latest Reports
Our Financial Report 2023

See our financial report from 2023.

Our Financial Report 2022

See our financial report from 2022.

Our Financial Report 2021

See our financial report from 2021.

Our Financial Report 2020

See our financial report from 2020.

Our Financial Report 2019

See our financial report from 2019.

Our Financial Report 2018

See our financial report from 2018.

Our Financial Report 2017

See our financial report from 2017.

Our Financial Report 2016

See our financial report from 2016.

Our Financial Report 2015

See our financial report from 2015.

Our Financial Report 2014

See our financial report from 2014.

Our Financial Report 2013

See our financial report from 2013.

Our Financial Report 2012

See our financial report from 2012.

Our Financial Report 2011

See our financial report from 2011.