A wish is the product of a child's wildest dreams and imagination.

Last year, everything changed for Jen and her family, when she was diagnosed with lymphoma.

Chemotherapy treatments were gruelling and brutal for Jen.

“Jen became a different person from before she started her journey,” her mum Helen explains. “She was more tired, and she didn’t want to play as much.”

Jen loves superheroes. In her words, her super power would be “to have a long stretchy neck that could stretch in and out so I could see everything from up high.” So, Jen’s wish is to fly up high in a helicopter and look down at the world from above – just like she would if she had her superpower!

A wish brings much-needed fun to a child going through a painful and lonely medical journey.

Eli was diagnosed four years ago with an extremely rare muscle condition. His condition means he is wheelchair-bound, which has impacted his entire childhood. His mum Jess says that school last year was really tough. “It was the year it all started making sense to him that he was never going to walk. His mental health was affected watching all the other kids be so active.”

Just like any boy his age, Eli has a curious mind. When something piques his interest, he won’t stop until he knows everything about it. Jess explains that for the last year, Eli has been obsessed with boats and ships. So, Eli’s wish is to go on a special pirate ship experience.

After having a childhood so impacted by illness, this wish will give Eli the opportunity to feel like a regular kid, having the time of his life as he enjoys his favourite thing. It will bring a spark of childhood joy and magic back to Eli.

A wish brings connection to a child with an isolating condition.

16-year-old Shade’s entire family has been affected by Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition that causes the heart muscle to grow abnormally thick. They can block blood flow and cause the heart to stop suddenly. Unfortunately, both of Shade’s uncles passed away from the condition in their early twenties.

Shade’s mum Jessica was devastated to find out her son had been diagnosed with the same condition that caused her brothers to pass away. “I used to sit there and cry every day for months and months and months.”

Jessica says Shade’s condition has affected his energy levels. “He doesn’t have enough energy to actually get up and go out and do activities. He just gets so tired.”

Shade’s wish is for a new gaming PC set up. This wish is important to him, because it will give him a way to stay connected with his friends, even when he feels unwell.

A Life-Changing Wish

Kaden was born with a hole in his heart. He had a heart transplant when he was six, and at the time, was the youngest person to ever receive on in New Zealand. Before receiving his transplant, things were hectic. Kaden’s parents sometimes had to dunk him in ice to shock his heart back to a normal rhythm.

Kaden has always been passionate about Formula One. He visited the speedway racing at Western Springs, and fell in love with motorsport from there.

It was always Kaden’s biggest wish to go to the F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne. After his heart transplant, the Make-A-Wish NZ team made his wish come true. Kaden went to Melbourne and watched the race from the best view in the house!

Kaden’s wish not only helped him through his challenging health journey, but it gave him something to dream for. Now, at 18 years old, he is competing in the Formula Regional Oceania Championships!

“My wish, and meeting my heroes, helped me chase my dreams. I had seen all the cars and drivers on TV, but to go to the race and meet them in real life, it was life changing. It showed me that, despite my heart transplant, I could get up there and do it.” – Kaden